Tier One
Web Design, Branding, Graphic Design, Social Media
The Story
Tier One is a single source solution for security services, technologies, and training. With over 20 years of combined law enforcement, fire and military experience, Tier One’s team of officers and educators values leadership and innovation in several fields of the security industry. This company was founded with a deep-rooted knowledge of citizen’s protection needs, and wanted a new identity to reflect this expertise and respectable heritage.
The goal of their rebrand, custom web design and social media refresh was to grow the company and expand their audience to new regions and demographics through a modern, cutting edge approach and aesthetic.

Security Services
A major portion of the branding and marketing work done for Tier One was put into building their custom-designed website featuring each of their specialized security departments. As security services is their most prominent field, Tier One’s security solutions site section details the levels of security they offer, what each level entails, what industries they protect, and how they protect citizens and communities across Texas.
Technology Services
Another specialty area of Tier One’s expertise includes a variety of security technology services and solutions. Tier One partners with leading providers of security equipment and systems to bring their customers the best protection, so we created a section of their new website detailing each solution and outlining how each can benefit numerous security needs.

Training Academy
Not only does the new site include security and technologies, but the Tier One Training Academy as well! This edition of the website allows for clients new and experienced alike to attend courses in security training, earn certifications for a variety of training levels, and receive education in skills like self defense and weapon use.
In addition to the custom Tier One website, our team has aided the company in a brand refresh from an existing logo to incorporate across a slew of mediums, print materials, social media platforms, and more.